Saturday, November 5, 2011


My Ayahuasca infomercial!

- Need special knowledge and don't know the answers? Use ayahuasca to answer all your questions and problems.
-Who needs a ouji board to contact the spirit world when you can go there "in person" with AYAHUASCA! Meet dead relatives or your kids that haven't been born yet with the exciting new ayahausca kit specifically tailored for gringos who want the "effect" without the "discomfort".

With just 3 easy installments of $79.95 you get the gringo "Do it yourself" ayahuasca kit which includes:
- 1 liter of Ayahuasca good for 3 servings
- A tooth brush and tooth paste to scrub your teeth after drinking the horrible ayahuasca solution.
- Gloria UHT whole milk to help coat your mouth and throat with something that tastes nice.
- 2 packages of clorets to suck on while you wait the recommended 45 minutes for the ayahuasca to take effect without having to endure the bitter and vile taste in your mouth during the waiting process.
- one full sized ayahuasca glass

!) Fill the glass full of the ayahuasca solution. Don't be chinsy with it or you might not get the full effect.
2) Make sure you either have a vomit bucket or just stand in the bathroom with the toilet seat up in full preparation of the unexpected and chug your ayahuasca down while plugging your nose to reduce the bitter and digusting taste.
3) Immediately upon drinking the ayahuasca solution, brush your teeth to scrub away that horrid stench from the ayahuasca in your mouth.
4) Drink your Gloria milk to coat your mouth and throat with something pleasant.
5) Suck on a few clorets as needed giving your mouth something nice to taste while you wait for the ayahuasca to take full effect.

Only take ayahuasca late at night when it is pitch black to get the full effect.

Vomit buckets sold separately