This is my spanish teacher Jose. I have been taking 2 hour spanish classes everyday this week at Simon Bolivar Spanish School. Jose is a very good teacher and everytime I got the answers right he would say "Exactamente! Muy bien!". This evening half-way through our spanish class he asked if I had eaten any guinea pig ("cuy" pronounced Coo-eee) yet and I said I hadn't found any places yet and he asked if I wanted to cut spanish class early and head out for some guinea pig at some good places he knows before I leave tomorrow and I was like "Yeah!" get out of school early and pound down some guinea pigs!

They usually have the whole pig on display like this at the little street restaurants along the road. Tonight at spanish class Jose taught me how to say 1/2lb which is "Una libra y media".
MMmmmm, look at those babies eh? They were very tasty. I preferred them much more than the pig I had today. Waaaaaaaaaaaay more!
Jose and I having dinner where we had our guinea pig, delicious potatoes and some strange type of corn that Jose had told me the name but I have forgotten. I didn't really like this type of corn and do you remember when I was at the market the first time and had some stuff on my plate that I didn't know what it was and didn't like it. Well it was this certain type of corn (white in colour) that doesn't taste anything like the corn we have back home. Personally I don't think it would sell back home.
OK there is our fearless hero. Washing down the guinea pig with some ice tea. YEAH, I know I need a haircut but my spanish isn't good enough yet where I don't feel confident enough to enter a spanish barber shop because I have no idea what my hair will look like when I walk out.
They usually have the whole pig on display like this at the little street restaurants along the road. Tonight at spanish class Jose taught me how to say 1/2lb which is "Una libra y media".
MMmmmm, look at those babies eh? They were very tasty. I preferred them much more than the pig I had today. Waaaaaaaaaaaay more!
Jose and I having dinner where we had our guinea pig, delicious potatoes and some strange type of corn that Jose had told me the name but I have forgotten. I didn't really like this type of corn and do you remember when I was at the market the first time and had some stuff on my plate that I didn't know what it was and didn't like it. Well it was this certain type of corn (white in colour) that doesn't taste anything like the corn we have back home. Personally I don't think it would sell back home.
OK there is our fearless hero. Washing down the guinea pig with some ice tea. YEAH, I know I need a haircut but my spanish isn't good enough yet where I don't feel confident enough to enter a spanish barber shop because I have no idea what my hair will look like when I walk out.